

Finding your color palette is the first step toward choosing colors for your home. Answer a few questions below and you will be on your way toward choosing the right palette for you.

  1. What colors are in your closet? Look over your wardrobe and choose the colors that you like to wear the most and that make you feel the best.
  2. What style is your current home? Narrow your style so you can focus your ideas. You can research different styles through publications and magazines. Your local paint store will have certain styles already divided on charts to assist you. Such as, Victorian, modern, historical, beach side, etc.
  3. Where do you reside? Do you live in a high rise apartment or in a bungalow by the beach? Take a look at your surroundings and make note of the colors in your outdoor palette.
  4. What colors inspire you the most? Do you love the look of a red rose or maybe the tones of natural wood? Narrow your likes and dislikes.
  5. What colors do you already use? If you currently love any colors that you already use in your decor, then build from that palette. Maybe you love the fabric on a chair or the colors in a piece of art work. Make notes and then choose colors accordingly.
The idea is to build from colors you love and that inspire you in your everyday life. If you are still confused, you may need to do more research through publications, magazines, your local paint store or hire a designer just to help you with color.

Once you have a direction, then it is time to choose colors from your local paint store. Here are a few more tips:
  1. First choose your main color. Let your other colors flow from this first choice. Choose color chips and bring them home and take your time. Once you know what your main selection will be, then choose several tones of that color from the charts to purchase in sample size.
  2. Paint your samples on heavy white poster board then move each poster through out the room during daytime and nighttime.
  3. Always confer with the paint store professionals if you are looking for a certain tone. For example: If I need a blue that has a more gray undertone for a soft look, then I confer with the paint rep on the ingredients of each color. I will choose a blue that has more additional black then maybe another choice I like. Let your paint store help!
  4. Slow down, take time and choose colors you love.

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